Thursday, December 08, 2005

Rinse and Spit

I spend a lot of time these days wondering what I will do in the next chapter of my life. Not sure if or when this chapter might end but knowing that it is a good possibility that it may end soon I often think of what my options might be. There are thousands of different things a person can do to earn a living and figuring out what you want to be “when you grow up” is very difficult. So, I thought that rather than try to figure out what I would like to do with my life, it might be easier to figure out what I don’t want to do. Today, after a trip to my dentist I have decided to eliminate the Dental Hygienist career from my list of possibilities.

If you are a Dental Hygienist, what is your motivation to get out of bed in the morning? Scraping teeth? Gingivitis? The small glimmer of hope that one, just one of your patients my possibly take up the habit of flossing?

As I sit in the chair I often wonder what it was in that persons life, what “ah hah” moment occurred when the light bulb went on in their head that said “ I want to be Dental Hygienist”! Did they fail out of nursing school? Did they practice good oral hygiene with their dolls as a child? Maybe it was the sound of a fork scraping across a dinner plate that always gave them joy and removing tartar from teeth is as close to that pure bliss as they can get.

They get to spend most of their day with people who are unable to communicate. That doesn’t mean they don’t attempt to carry on a conversation with you while you mouth is full o tools or fluoride rinse. “Are you ready for Christmas?” “Uhmslh ish toihsoiy uwoiu mmmmnta” I reply. The amazing part is that those who have been in the field for 10 or more years will understand and try and continue the conversation.

On the plus side I guess playing with the squirt hose and the spit sucker could be cool. And I have to admit that I would get pleasure from hitting my patient sensitive teeth with that ice cold water and watching them jump from the chair or dig their fingers into the chair’s hand rests. I would never have to buy a new toothbrush or dental floss. Do you think they can play with the chair after hours? Maybe I should reconsider

“Please rinse and spit”


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