Taking Deep Breaths
In the middle of a movie we were watching last night, the phone rings. It is AJ who is sitting on the side of the road with a broken car. Based on his description on the phone I diagnose it as a broken fan belt or a bad alternator. So I hop in my truck and go off to rescue him. We use my truck to charge up his battery (because it was a bad alternator) just enough so he can drive the car the ten miles back to our house. I am feeling pretty good about how resourceful we were, not needing to get the car towed and all. An alternator is a pretty easy fix so I figure we will buzz into town in the morning and pick up a new alternator, install it and he will be off to his New Years Eve gig by early afternoon. I was wrong.
We rose early with good intentions. I thought, hey, if we remove the old alternator first it will save another trip into town to return it later (to get the core charge back). Of course having no garage and living in Maine and it being winter, it is all of 15 degrees outside. Not the best conditions for auto repair but we have no other choice.
Now the alternator on a 96 Escort is right there on the top left side of the vehicle, in plain view, just tempting you to try and remove it. It looks easy. The belt came right off. the two bolts holding it in place came right out. Then you would think the altinator would just pop right out. Ahh No!
The alternator is positioned under the bracket that is used to hold it in place in a manner that prevents one from removing it from the engine compartment. It is also guarded on either side by the power steering reservoir and the engine itself. It must have taken the engineer a good week to figure out how to make this alternator this easy to see and this hard to remove. Enough said, it took an hour, a large screwdiver, a large pry bar and much foul language to get the alternator out. But we prevailed and off we went to town to find the replacement.
No problem getting a new one at the parts store and since it was so much fun removing the alternator we figured we would get a new belt just to make sure we could have even more fun putting the alternator back in.
Amazingly the new belt went in with not too much trouble after conferring with a drawing we found using google. Then there is the alternator. It was like solving a puzzle getting it out so I knew getting it back in was going to be fun. It had warmed up to a balmy 20 degrees so I could actually feel some parts of my hands.
Right below the altinator is the power steering pump and its intake and discharge hoses are part of the puzzle that must be solved to install the alternator. Using the same tools we used to remove the alternator we attempted to install the new one. We pushed, prodded, pulled and cursed but it did not want to assume the correct position. The big screwdriver was used and so was the prybar. Nothing seemed to work.
Now at some point the power steering intake hose was in the way and one of the tools was used to move it ever so gently out of the way. I may have even heard a cracking sound at same time. Not too long after that AJ commented on the fact that there was now a fluid draining from his car. You may not realize this but fluid draining from a car is not a normal part of an alternator replacement. Not good!!
Oh the cracking sound? That would have been the intake of the power steering pump breaking off. Yes, a high quality Ford power steering pump with a plastic intake? Who would have thought. Yes, the sarcasm is intended! At this point I am so angry I can't even curse as no words would do it justice. My fingers are frozen, the altinator is not installed, the power steering pump is broken and needs to be replaced. And the bad news?? The power steering pump doesn't look "easy" to install like the alternator!
To be continued...