Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Our first white Thanksgiving in a few years. A couple of inches and still coming down pretty hard. I may brake out my xcountry skis before the day is over. Work off some of that bird. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Hope you are amoung family and friends.


At 12:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey B! Hope your Thanksgiving was as great as ours. We had a full house...15 people in all. Dad didn't make it down due to the weather :(. The snow was beautiful here as well. I love your pictures, you are very talented! Happy Thanksgiving! Love to you all, K

At 9:49 AM, Blogger Blog Dog said...

Hey K,

Glad to see someone read my blog. I have been trying to get Dad to read it but he keeps loosing the link. It is an easy way to communicate and share stuff. Maybe you should start one too?
Glad your Thanksgiving went well. I would have called if I hadn't just talked to you on Monday.
Take Care,


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