Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Idiot of the day? Week? Month?

I wish I had a link for this but I could not find it at the online version of the paper. In the 11/23/2005 Sun Journal page A2:

"Tim St. Pierre of Lewiston Maine shows off his fresh tattoo of the autographs from "Big and Rich", the country musicians who visited the Auburn Wal-Mart on Monday morning. He had a buddy do them at his house Monday night. "When someone signs an autograph, you loose it", said St. Pierre. "I won't lose this one!" His hair will grow back normally if he ever decides to cover the tattoo."

The picture shows St. Piere sporting the tattoos of the signatures of the country singers Big and Rich across most of his bald head. Who the hell is Big and Rich? They must be something special as they were signing autographs at the Auburn, Maine Wal-mart and we know only the biggest acts show up there.


At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a test post.


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